What is it?
Dye penetrant testing locates surface defects which are open to the surface, by covering a penetrating liquid, which is drawn into the defect by capillary action. After removal of excess penetrant, the defect is made visible by the application of a developer.
Where is it used for?
Dye penetrant testing is used for the detection of surface braking defects only.
What materials can it be used on?
Dye penetrant testing can be used on all material types, as long they are not-porous.
An alternative, more sensitive dye penetrant inspection is fluorecent technique.
The component is coated with fluorecent liquid while in dwell processed after development under a UV-A light source in a darkened viewing area, defects show up vividly as bright green.
Advantages of dye penetrant testing:
• Simple to use
• Inexpensive
• Quick results
• Can be used on any non-porous material
• Portable
• Low operator skill required (easy to interprets)