What is it?
Visual inspection is a non-destructive testing method used by (welding- or visual-) inspectors, which sometimes may be the only form available for identifying imperfections. It is a practical and economical testing method that, when performed correctly throughout the processes, can help preventing defects.
Where is it used for?
Inspection surfaces pre-, during and after welding. This can be direct visual inspection or in- direct visual examination, LBI is using several types of inspection aids. For indirect inspections fibre optic viewing systems are used.
What material can it be used on?
Visual inspection can be used with all materials.
What is it?
Magnetic particle testing is used to locate defects in ferromagnetic materials by introducing a magnetic flux into the material. A ferromagnetic material by introducing a magnetic flux into the material. A ferromagnetic ink is then applied, which attracted to the site of the defects.
What is it used for?
Magnetic particle testing is used for the detection of surface and slight sub-surface breaking defects.
What materials it can be used for?
Magnetic particle testing can be used with ferromagnetic materials.
An alternative, more sensitive magnetic particle inspection or dye penetrant is fluorecent technique.
The component is coated with fluorecent liquid while it is being magnetised. Under a UV-A light source in a darkened viewing area, defects show up vividly a bright green.
Advantage of magnetic particle testing:
• Simple to use
• Inexpensive
• Rapid results
• Little surface preparation required
• Possible to inspect through thin coatings (< 50 micron)
• Thicker coatings to be proved by a Level 3 in specific method
• Low operator skill required
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What is it?
Ultrasonic testing measures the time for high frequency (0.5-50 MHz) electric pulses of ultrasound to travel from the equipment to the probes and soundwaves travel through the inspection material. If a defect is present, the ultrasound soundwaves travel back in a shorter time than would be expected, the electrical pulse is giving a shorter time signal on the display of ultrasonic equipment.
What is it used for?
Ultrasonic testing is mainly used for the detection of sub-surface defects but may sometimes detect surface breaking defects.
What materials can it be used on?
Ultrasonic testing can be used with most materials.
A couplant usually a liquid must be introduced between the probe and component or ultrasonic waves to enter the material.
Advantage of ultrasonic testing:
• Rapid results
• Bothe surface and sub-surface detection
• Safe
• Capable of measuring the depth of defects
• Portable
• Good for finding planar defects
What is it?
Radiographic testing measures the varying transmission of radiation through a material, with the ad of photographic film, to detect changes in density and thickness. Defect result in changes in the effective thickness of the test object and appear as darker areas on the radiographic film.
What is it used for?
Radiographic testing is used to detect flaws in welds or imperfections in material in the component.
What material it can be used on?
Radiographic testing can be used with all materials.
What is it?
Dye penetrant testing locates surface defects which are open to the surface, by covering a penetrating liquid, which is drawn into the defect by capillary action. After removal of excess penetrant, the defect is made visible by the application of a developer.
Where is it used for?
Dye penetrant testing is used for the detection of surface braking defects only.
What materials can it be used on?
Dye penetrant testing can be used on all material types, as long they are not-porous.
An alternative, more sensitive dye penetrant inspection is fluorecent technique.
The component is coated with fluorecent liquid while in dwell processed after development under a UV-A light source in a darkened viewing area, defects show up vividly as bright green.
Advantages of dye penetrant testing:
• Simple to use
• Inexpensive
• Quick results
• Can be used on any non-porous material
• Portable
• Low operator skill required (easy to interprets)